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Bye bye to this blog?

 Good afternoon from Pleasant Grove, Utah! Since I am not especially well connected and/or friends with a lot of missionaries here, I am just going to write about things in general. No missionary updates today! Sorry! It's ok. I can write when I go home, if I feel like it... We had our Santonen Family reunion. It was really nice! Spectacular in fact!  That's enough about that, because my friends here are not serving as missionaries anymore. Read this blog instead: It is a lot more fun. Seriously! (Pun intended). I am happy not to be in Finland at the moment.  YEAH. This blog might end soon. I don't want, need or feel good about being a friend with the missionaries anymore. If you know why, you do know why. Otherwise, it will remain a mystery for you all! SORRY not sorry... I don't care if you know or not.  Maybe someday, I can continue this blog. Until then. BYE! 
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  Good "morning" :) The last morning in Tampere before The Trip and The Transfers. Buckle up! (Literally, soon...) Yesterday I visited the second ward, as I have done many times before. I love the second ward. Plus elder Williams and sister Cannon served there... I could hear their testimonies yesterday. I woke up a bit now during the night, because I am probably too nervous to sleep right now :D On Saturday we went out to listen to a concert that was held in my park. It said on Facebook that it starts at 3 pm, but they ended the REHERSALS for the concert a little after 3 pm... :( We danced a little on a path/road thing in the park when they played "Dancing Queen". YES, it was fun lol. Very good street contacting technique! NOT :D But at least we probably got curious looks. For the record, not everyone was dancing. Some of the missionaries just stood by and watched lol. I danced a little too, because my pains have been less difficult. I had my walker with me but tod

transfers again

Good morning from Finland! :) This has been the last transfer in Finland for elder Williams and sister Cannon. But that's not all... I am actually going to travel to Utah on the same plane as them!  It's my first time to Utah... We got a greenie "Finn Schelin" from St George, Utah. We mostly call him by his full name because Finn rhymes so well with Schelin! Hahhhah! It's kinda funny... We are funny. Or weird. Funny in a weird way, weird in a funny way. ETC. lol This has been a good transfer because we have had eight missionaries here still, we have been having game night each Tuesday as usual and we have gotten to know each other better, I have brought the missionaries Pepsi max and they have made pancakes for game night. I have still had a moth infestation in my home so they have not been able to visit, except in my courtyard and in my park. It's ok. It has been a good summer. Not cold at least... at least not all the time hahhah!  It will be very interestin

Missionaries and the latest transferzzz :)

 Dear reader,  I am back! :) The tansfer before we had a really tight knit family unit.  Two days before my birthday we had an amazing party! There were some friends from both wards, and all eight missionaries of course. Elder Flynn (aka big brother prophet, as we call him...) was the boss and leader of the party.  His lovely British accent made it really fun too. I have never ever had such a good and wonderful, amazing party! When it was time to go home, I concluded that I had never been so happy in my entire life. The party was SO nice! I think I told about it already but it doesn't hurt remembering the great party. Then we got the transfer calls. I correctly predicted who was leaving and that Elder Flynn went to Jyväskylä... If I would plan a "perfect" set of cities and towns a missionary could serve in it would be: Jakobstad, Tammerfors, Jyväskylä and Åbo. As a bonus maybe Uleåborg and Vasa. I am currrently in Jakobstad, my hometown. My parents live here, and many rel

May in Tammerfors

 Happy springtime from Tampere! :) We are a happy bonus family unit here and transfers are a-looming...  It has been my "birthday week" this week. We started off well, with my birthday party on Monday, two days early. The missionaries made the party. I planned and told a few ideas what we could do, and the missionaries made my party so nice and perfect! Elder Flynn was the "narrator" and of course he did an amazing job with his British accent. It was great. We had a quiz about me, then we also had a "guess that Disney-song" competition, which elder Williams crushed completely! We also had a paper plane competition. The sisters made chocolate cupcakes with a Barbie twist, a Barbie was in the display elements of the cupcakes. She was named "Cassandra" :D ... We also ate a little melon and other snacks. We had the big package opening event, which I didn't know would be an event, but it was a surprise from the elders. Bless their hearts! I got so

Springtime in Tampere aka the Manchester of Finland :)

 Hello there!  So sorry for the long absence. We got a few new missionaries but it's soon yet again the end of transfers... We have EIGHT missionaries here at the moment: Elders Flynn and Nielsen (the ZLs) Sisters Nielsen and Ethington Elders Wood and Williams  Sisters Bond and Cannon. and me :D lol hahhah! No, just kidding. I am just a little bit of a bonus family member here, not a missionary... On Wednesday the 22nd of May it's my birthday and on Monday the 20th we're having a party at the church, on the third floor. I have only invited a few friends... I think the 2nd ward sisters will plan a Quiz about yours truly, and I asked the 2nd ward elders to prepare a "coca-cola -drinking competition" :D lol. I thought it would be fun for guests (and me) try to guess the flavor and/or brand of coca-cola, pepsi etc. It is a new take on "drinking games" :D hahhhah! I am so funny lol. We have had an awesome time here in the Manchester of Finland. Elder Flynn is

A few pictures before last transfer